Saturday, June 24, 2006

Phillip Yancey, "What's so Amazing about Grace?"

YEAH! I loved this book. Yancey is not a Piper/Spurgeon guy, where it's slow and methodical. Kinda like a fine wine... someone once told me.
Anyhow, Yancey's big claim is that the church is the only institution capable of dispensing grace. everything else works on systems of merit. As recipients of JC, Christians have this supernatural ability, and should be using it.
Yancey cited stats that show Evangelicals are often as tied to divorce, porn, abuse and everyone else. He also pointed outhow Christians often act on ungrace, resulting in lots of unconfessed, unchecked immorality and judgement.
I really appreciated how he was able to pin most of the churches lack of saltiness on a lack of grace. It puts a way better spin on the problem. We don't need to just better our morality, but demonstrate unconditional love to each other as we seek to improve.

On a personal level, Yancey hit me well. I think for a while I'd been (and still am) operating on a 'earn God's favour by doing good Christian stuff' scale. I knew about the grace of God, but I had begun to treat it like something to be recieved at a later date or something. But a quote that struck me was (off of memory) "God's love for you right now is 100%. No good you do can increase that, no evil can decrease it." Man that's sweet to the heart.


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